Law and Order
Law and Order

Luke Thomas Breslin is a high school baseball player with a steroid addiction.


Luke turned to the drugs due to his overbearing father Pete, Elliot Stabler's old patrol partner. Luke's addiction was bad enough he sexually assaulted his classmate, Pamela Sawyer, who his best friend for years, because his libido increased due to high testosterone levels. Luke punched Odafin Tutuola when he was being arrested from still being high. Pete nearly beat Luke to death from finding out the truth, which led to Stabler pulling Pete off him.

Luke was taken to trial and released on his own recognizance to Pete's custody. It proved to be a mistake when Luke found Pete's stash of steroids and confronted him over it. When Pete refused to give Luke answers, Luke held Pete at gunpoint, then shot and grazed Pete's head before taking off with Pete's service pistol. Depressed and suicidal from withdrawal, Luke went to Pamela's house to apologize to her, then kill himself. When Stabler reassured Luke he didn't kill Pete and wanted to reconcile with him, Luke surrendered. Luke met Pete in the hospital and shared a loving moment of mutual sorrow and relief. (SVU: "Ripped")

Known Victims[]
