Luke Francis (also known as Uncle Luke) is a man who would brainwash troubled young girls into joining his underground child sex trafficking ring.
At some point, Luke started a child sex trafficking ring where he would brainwash young girls with troubled pasts into joining it. There are two known children in this sex trafficking ring, those being Gabriela Sosa and Delilah, the latter he would let a man named Vince rent.
Luke is contacted by Vince, who tells him that he is going to keep Delilah for another day and that he has a man who is interested in buying one of his girls (this man actually being Detective Tutuola). Luke shows off the girls he has and asks the man which one he wants, the man responds by revealing that he is a police officer to which Luke runs off but is immediately tackled by Lieutenant Olivia Benson and arrested.
In the interrogation room, Luke is approached by ADA Stone and Detective Carisi who confront him about the girls. Luke defends his actions by stating he saved the girls and even offered a home to the youngest girl, Gabriela was traumatized after he had found Gabriela alone and wandering around New York on her own, like she was in another world. However, this garners him no sympathy by the two who condemn him as a monster and Luke angrily demands an attorney but Stone remarks how it's not going to matter, as he will make it his mission to ensure he is punished.
Luke is subsequently imprisoned for kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, and sex trafficking. (SVU: "Zero Tolerance")