Law and Order

Luke Ronson is a British hairstylist and the rapist of Annette Fox. After drugging her in the back room of the shop and raping her, Annette pressed charges, but the trial was delayed for three years and it was finally coming up for Annette to testify in court.

Ronson put out a last-ditch effort to stop the trial by hiring homeless ex-con Eddie Skinner to stalk Annette. It went south, as Skinner used a gun leased by his ATF liaison Greer to shoot Annette dead in front of her daughter Jenna on Skinner's own accord.

Ronson has an alibi for the shooting, but an unregistered gun and black hoodie leads to his arrest, Skinner being the one to lead the detectives to the circumstantial evidence. Stabler and Benson try to pry the answers out of him, but despite his sweating that shows his guilt, he doesn't bite and holds back. With the gun not matching, Ronson's released, but he goes right to Skinner and argues about his move of murdering Annette. When Skinner sees the detectives and runs, the two conspirators are arrested.

Ronson admits the truth about Skinner harassing Annette, down to Skinner never having in Ronson's orders to kill her. Skinner denies everything and calls Greer to bail him out for the gun smuggling bust he's the informant for. Ronson's released, and Skinner's obligated to go through with the bust, only to escape and conk Greer with a crowbar.

Skinner goes to Ronson and holds the gun from the murder to get the payment for the stalking. Benson and Stabler arrive in time and try to settle both Ronson's pleas to live and Skinner's screaming to walk or Ronson dies. Skinner's successfully intimidated into surrendering when the detectives are ready to shoot, and he's arrested. When he takes a deal to rat out Ronson for the rape and Greer for the gun leasing, they're arrested too, and all three are locked in the same cell.

Jenna arrives and sees them all quietly staring at her. This provokes her enough to pull her own gun she bought on the street and fire into the holding cell, shooting and killing or injuring several people, including Sister Peg, who turned in evidence on Skinner, killing one cop, injuring another, critically injuring Skinner, and killing Greer and Ronson, before Stabler shoots her dead. (SVU: "Smoked")
