Maggie Colter is the oldest daughter of Lucas Colter, a family man in serious debt to loan shark Carl Pettijohn.
When the debts were running high, Pettijohn sent his muscle, Simon Matic, to kidnap the family for ransom, and Matic did so with his accomplice, leaving behind one of the daughters' unfinished cups of yogurt on the hardwood floor. Maggie's grandmother Danita Swinton, mother of Maggie's mother Susan, discreetly went to Major Case, but Lucas chased the detectives away.
Matic made Lucas call from a payphone, while the family was blindfolded, gagged, tied, and wearing headphones playing Britney Spears music. Lucas said he needed more time, so Matic asked Lucas which one he liked more as a father, Maggie or Sarah. When Lucas was baffled, Matic then said he and Maggie would "party" until the ransom was paid. Maggie's headphones were taken away, before she was dragged away despite her fighting back. Maggie was then thrown onto a mattress, while Matic raped her. Susan's gag and headphones were taken away so she could speak to Lucas, crying for Maggie when she heard her daughter's screams.
While Lucas worked with his tycoon father Melvin to pay the ransom, Matic harassed Maggie by claiming Lucas was a weak man who sold his family out and didn't save them, in an attempt to manipulate her to not testify by trying to say his crime was just business. Maggie lifted her blindfold and saw Matic's Serb Volunteer Guard tattoo on his lower back, shortly before being raped again at least once. Melvin paid the ransom and the family was released.
Maggie was bitter and spiteful at Lucas, reciting the same dialogue Matic imposed on her, which got her diagnosed with Stockholm syndrome. The detectives spoke with her personally to get a statement from her to get Matic arrested, with Eames as the good cop and Goren the bad cop who revealed Matic raped countless other women in Eastern Europe. When Maggie said Matic was better at what he did than Lucas was at his responsibilities, Goren reiterated he was just a criminal and Lucas never meant her harm, commending her coming home alive. Maggie eventually started crying, with Goren embracing her, then told the detectives about Matic's tattoo. Matic was successfully imprisoned, with Maggie being left to start her recovery.