Law and Order

Maggie Quigley is an Irish woman who refused to have sex with ICE Agent Rory O'Toole which led her to being put in ICE prison.


Maggie was a woman from Ireland who wanted to move to the United States. Despite being a lesbian, she married a man named Patrick. Maggie and Patrick went to ICE Agent Rory O'Toole in order to get two green cards so they could immigrate to America. After talking to Agent O'Toole, the latter had Patrick leave the room and had Maggie go to his minivan and told Maggie that she would have to let him rape her. When Maggie refused to do so, she was placed in ICE prison.

I Deserve Some Loving Too[]

While in ICE prison Sergeant Tutuola and Detective Tamin go to convince Maggie to testify against Agent O'Toole so he could go to prison for his heinous actions. Maggie explains the situation she faced with Agent O'Toole and how refusing to let him rape her led her to being imprisoned. Detective Tamin offers a U visa and not by deported from America. Maggie, however says that if Agent O'Toole knew that she would be testifying he would deport Patrick since his protection from deportation wasn't part of the deal. Because of this, Maggie refuses to testify against Agent O'Toole.

Detectives Tutuola and Tamin return to ICE prison to get to Maggie in hopes to convince her to testify against Agent O'Toole now that he was arrested and would be unable to deport Maggie nor Patrick. With this knowledge Maggie agrees to testify against Agent O'Toole, she tells the detectives that Agent O'Toole had called her through a "burner" (a cell phone) which she doesn't have but Patrick does. Maggie is hesitant on having the detectives go to Patrick's apartment not wanting him to know why they were there but she lets them go to the apartment when they promise not to say why they need the cell phone. The detectives discover upon getting to the apartment that both Patrick and Maggie were gay and they only married so they could get green cards and move to the United States.

Despite Maggie going through with a sham marriage, she is used as a witness against Agent O'Toole along with Rosamie Klein, a woman who did let Agent O'Toole rape her. These testimonies led Agent O'Toole to take a plea deal which he would be sentenced in prison for fifteen years.
