Law and Order

Margaret Talmadge is the mother of murdered college student Jennifer Talmadge and the grandmother of Jennifer's son Stephen Talmadge.


Margaret and her husband Herbert pleaded Donald Cragen and Max Greevey for twelve years to catch Jennifer's killer and find Stephen. When Greevey was assassinated two years after Jennifer's murder and baby Stephen's disappearance, the case went cold and the investigation stopped.

When baby launderer Mark Sanford was arrested, his records revealed he sold Stephen the night Jennifer was murdered, being raised by Erin and Adam Blake under the name of Tyler Blake for those twelve years. She and her husband were happy to finally meet their grandson and shared a tearful moment with him.

A custodial tug of war ensued between the Talmadge's, the Blake's, and Stephen's biological father Robert Cook, who took the Blake's to court for custody. In court, she and her husband were surprised to hear Robert wanted them in Stephen's life should he gain custody.

The Talmadges were heartbroken to later learn Jennifer initially want to put their grandson up for adoption but they were able to inform SVU that the signature was not their daughters. This led the detectives to discover Robert's ex-wife Linda to be Jennifer's killer and Stephen's kidnapper, wanting Robert to herself from being pregnant with their first son Brandon.

Ultimately Linda was arrested, and Robert won Stephen's custody. However, at the judge's request, Robert allowed the Blakes to stay in Stephen's life. (SVU: "Stolen")
