Law and Order
Law and Order

Marian (surname unknown) is a Salvadoran girl who, along with other Central American girls, Sofia, Valeria, Maria, and Christabel, were smuggled into New York City and pimped out by Jerry. They were tricked into finding work as "nannies", ca service driver Vincent Johnson was bribed to drive the girls to arranged locations, and eatery supplier and closet pedophile Ronald Fleming was a paying john.

When Fleming agreed to a sting, Marina was driven up by Johnson to a hotel. When Fleming tried to shoot himself dead, as Marian was about to leave the car, Johnson hit the gas and fled. He was stopped by a cab blocking his way and surrendered to arrest, with Marian safely being rescued. She talked about the trafficking, Johnson's role, the other girls present in the house with Jerry, and its location. Street view maps were used to have Marian identify the house. The house was raided, Jerry was arrested, and the remaining girls were rescued. (SVU: "Real Fake News")
