Mr. McGarrett (first name unknown) is the father of Rachel McGarrett and Kristi McGarrett.
Rachel went missing, and Kristi was raped by Rachel's boyfriend Dan Friedich, who suffered from sleep sex and reserved for sex with Rachel while he was treating the condition.
Mr. McGarrett arrived at the precinct to pick up his daughter and after Friedich was identified by Kristi, he attacked him. However, Detectives Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson intervened while explaining his medical condition to them and how it was verified by his doctor. This revelation angered and disappointed Mr. McGarrett at he told them to locate Rachel's whereabouts, as she was missing at the time of the rape. On a live interview, he voiced his anger at the detectives for not seeking justice for Kristi but also told the public to find his daughter and contact SVU.
Rachel was found after being kidnapped and raped by Gregory Searle. Her family grieved when she died form complications of the drugs she overdosed on while she was in captivity. (SVU: "Avatar")