Law and Order
Law and Order

Michael Schneider is a judge based in Manhattan, New York City.

Cases tried[]

  • Granted the defense's motion to dismiss the charges with prejudice on the grounds that the defense never had the opportunity to cross-examine the prosecution's star witness, Jimmy Gordon, before he was murdered.
  • Granted the defense's motion to preclude mention of the defendant stealing money from his employees pension fund to supplement his own lifestyle except for the one pertaining to the current case.
  • Held a hearing to determine whether a mistrial should be declared after an outburst from Ben Chaney revealed the other thefts the defendant committed.
  • Declared a mistrial and issued a bench warrant for the defendant's arrest when he fails to appear at the hearing.
  • Granted the defense 48 hours for the defendant to appear in court before he grants the prosecution motion to seize his property to be auctioned off and return the money he stole back to his employees.
  • Denied the defense's motion to exclude Lindsay Doyle's testimony on the grounds it is not evidence of a pattern.


  • Granted the prosecution's motion to unseal the defendant's juvenile arrest file when the defense tried using a defense claiming Grimes wasn't a criminal prior to being arrested, after reviewing the file by himself in-camera.


  • Remanded both defendants without bail.

