Law and Order

Miguel Rivera is a serial rapist who primarily targeted prostitutes.


Rivera came from a broken home, as his father was abusive and attempted to rape his younger sister Tiana, but Rivera always protected her from the predatory patriarch, and they remained close ever since. As an adult, he and his sister started living together and Rivera became a mechanic to support them. In one instance, he went to a strip club and was drugged by a stripper whose boyfriend later robbed him, and he was left with a black eye. Unbeknownst to his sister, Rivera followed in his father's footsteps of being a sexual predator and began sexually assaulting women, namely prostitutes. Rivera was a known regular of certain women but when they refused to go along with some of his more adventurous pleasures, he'd become abusive by raping them and beating them with a belt. This led to many of them being wary of him and not risking being alone with him. He got away with this for years, knowing these women were too scared of him to report him to the cops or would never be believed because of their occupation.


The Special Victims Unit detectives run across him while investigating the rape and assault of Wallen Cipes, a young prostitute. Detective Bruno and Sergeant Tutuola begin looking into regulars after Cipes described a certain car her last customer drove. Camera footage also show Cipes being attacked by a masked assailant. When the detectives identify Rivera, Cipes confirmed that she turned him down after his sexual request was too much for her. Cipes also revealed that in her attack, she briefly spotted a missing button on his uniform. They approach Rivera at his job, where he calmly denies the accusations and had an alibi provided by his sister. However, they weren't convinced because of his family ties.

Bruno and Tutuola question several prostitutes and find that he has multiple complaints on him record for domestic violence and assault. They also confront Tiana on her occupation as a seamstress, noting her skill allowed her to sew a button on her brother's shirt and make her see her brother for the monster he is. Rivera is later arrested and while admitting to soliciting prostitutes, he denies ever assaulting anyone, but he is horrified that SVU have evidence in the form of the belt that he strangled Cipes with, the mask worn by the assailant being found in his home, and his sister confirming that she sewn the button on. Rivera was devastated to hear his sister turned on him and blames the cops for making him lose his only family though they stated that fell solely on him. He and his lawyer agree to take a plea for the rapes and assaults. A disgusted A.D.A. Carisi made it clear that he will ensure Rivera is punished for his crimes in this deal. Rivera is then imprisoned. (SVU: "Tenfold")
