Law and Order
Law and Order
"Must Be Held Accountable"
SVU, Episode 21.10
Production number: 21010
First aired: 9 January 2020
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Teleplay By
Brianna Yellen & Denis Hamill

Story By
Warren Leight & Julie Martin

Directed By
Laurie Collyer


A desperate father takes matters into his own hands in the case against his daughter's rapist.




Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]

  • Cole Tristan Murphy as Dylan Hanover
  • Nhumi Threadgill as Sienna Peet
  • Simone Elizabeth Bart as Maya Tedder
  • Anthony Goss as Officer Marcus Carter
  • Eve Austin as Mrs. Ellery
  • George Gerard as Man
  • E. George Perry as Security Guard
  • Daniel Mannarino as Reporter



Peter Abrams: [being handcuffed] I'm surprised CNN isn't here. How you gonna make a statement, Chief, if there's no one here to broadcast it?
Garland: Thought we'd give you the opportunity to get ahead of the narrative. Anything you want to say?
Peter Abrams: Right, yeah. Garland, FYI, I have a lot more friends at 1PP than you do, and for what it's worth, the sense from the old guard is you don't know your place.
Garland: That's why they're the old guard.
Peter Abrams: Right. Are you gonna let me grab a robe?
Garland: I don't see that.

Carisi: Are you okay?
Rollins: Yeah.
Carisi: Hey, Rollins?
Rollims: [sobbing] No. No.
Carisi: [letting her hold him for comfort] Okay, come here. Come here. I got you. I got you.

[watching a news report of Getz's death in jail]
Tutuola: I can't see this guy killing himself.
Tamin: Me, neither. [pausing the TV and looking closer] I mean, I don't even think that's him on the gurney. I mean, seriously. He fakes his own death, they swap him out with some homeless guy from the morgue, and then he flies off to some island beyond extradition.
Tutuola: Nah, nah, no way. All those tapes he had? Somebody had to take him out.
Tamin: I just... Getz just got away with everything his whole life. Why quit now?
Benson: A lot of people wanted him dead. Either way, his number was up. But what makes me so angry is that these girls will never see their day in court.

Background Information and Notes[]

  • Rollins mentioned her father, Jim Rollins, is getting married. His new wife, Amberlynn Rollins, is first seen in the season 22 episode "In The Year We All Fell Down".
  • According to this episode, Amanda Rollins's home address is 355 West 117th Street.
  • This episode is second part of a two-parter, which concludes the storyline from "Can't Be Held Accountable", though the Bucci family makes another appearance in "The Things We Have To Lose".
  • Rollins mentions how gambling doesn't work out so well for Frank Bucci. This is a reference to a deleted scene from "Part 33" where Bucci mentions how he plays the lottery.
  • Defense attorney Paul Davies returns as Steve Getz's new counsel. He had previously appeared as a suspect in the episode "At Midnight In Manhattan". He also mentions he could try to work a deal for Getz with the US Attorney's Southern District of New York office, as he heard they had already taken a case from Carisi previously, which happened in "Counselor, It's Chinatown".
  • The finale with Steve Getz hanging himself in his cell, the unplugged security camera and Fin stating that the body on a gurney is not Getz and that is is a homeless person used to switch bodies, are all based on the infamous suicide of multi-millionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein, who didn't hang himself.

Episode Scene Cards[]

1 2 3 4

Apartment of
Detective Amanda Rollins
355 West 117th Street
Thursday, November 21

Pier 65
Thursday, November 21

Office of
Deputy Chief Garland
One Police Plaza
Thursday, November 21

Residence of
Judge Joe Ellery
58 Riverside Drive
Thursday, November 21

5 6 7

Westchester County Airport
White Plans, New York
Friday, November 22

Wild Forest Inn
111 Peakville Road
East Branch New York
Friday, November 22

New York Supreme Court
60 Centre Street
Friday, November 22

Previous episode:
"Can't Be Held Accountable"
"Must Be Held Accountable"
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 21
Next episode:
"She Paints For Vengeance"
Seasons 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526