Nicole Gleason is an investigative journalist and a liaison.
Tutuola hires her for reporting on a series of murders of children of immigration families, giving her information to get the case publicized enough to keep within the guidelines and give their murders attention for answers.
The case turned into fights between the left and the right that inflamed Fin enough to even throw his physical intimidation into the mix. From this, Gleason's paper ended up smearing SVU by portraying then as incompetent with public relations and their handling in the case. Gleason said that title wasn't within her power, and she reconciled with Fin around the time the killer, Joseph Thagard, was caught.
After Thagard was found not guilty, Nicole found Fin at a bar drinking his anguish away. She shows him that she got the front page before showing she clearly has an interest in him. She bought the next round before he got a call from Carver who needed to see him and insists that it is important. Fin tells Nicole that he will speak to her later, something she looks forward to.(SVU: "Anchor")