Noel Panko is the barkeep and best friend of actor/director Bobby D'Amico.
Both friends are two predators responsible for gang-raping women in the club's bathroom, D'Amico extorting oral sex and Panko coming in and making a pouty face, before both get violent and rape them, D'Amico orally and Panko vaginally from behind. The attacks were confirmed to have been committed on Tara Browne and Kristi Cryer.
Kristi vlogged the rape exam she went through, then when she was told no charges would be pressed, she publicized her allegations. Tara responded with her support, and the same M.O. was confirmed when questioning both women. Mike Dodds and Amanda Rollins go outside the books and catch Panko and D'Amico in the act when Rollins is set up to nearly be raped on camera. This leads to both rapists' arrests.
The case is taken to trial, and Kristi is called to the stand. Her conflicting accounts and pictures of her enjoying herself at the club before the gang-rape are presented, and it gives reasonable doubt. Panko and D'Amico are both acquitted and released.
To spite both rapists, the attempted rape of Rollins on video is leaked by Dodds and left untraceable to ruin the two predators. (SVU: "Star-Struck Victims")