Law and Order
Law and Order
"Open Season"
L&O, Episode 13.07
Production number: E3306
First aired: 20 November 2002
  th of 456 produced in L&O  
th of 456 released in L&O
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
Richard Sweren

Directed By
Matthew Penn


A defense attorney who had just acquitted a man who had crippled a police officer is gunned down outside a Manhattan restaurant. The detectives start with police officers in the precinct of the injured officer, then to his brother, before they are led to a white supremacist who is part of a national network. McCoy is faced with the unlikely prospect that the defendant's attorney, his friend of 20 years and a friend of the slain lawyer, played a part in the murder of a Florida district attorney following the defendant's arrest. McCoy is able to make a deal that preserves the integrity of his adversary, but not without a cost.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



Police Officer: Homicide? Damn, and I just ran out of cigars.
Ed Green: That ain't funny, man.
Police Officer: (to Lennie) Your partner needs to loosen up.
Lennie Briscoe: This is loose.

Jack McCoy: You know why I'm here?
Danielle Melnick: No. Your Golden Retriever threw you out?

(Green has suggested that Southerlyn infiltrate the APU offices)

Serena Southerlyn: What, you think they'll talk to me?
Ed Green: Blonde hair, blue eyes ... Hell, if you're lucky they'll put you in a poster.
Serena Southerlyn: (sarcastically) Gee, thanks.

(about the American Patriot Union)

Serena Southerlyn: They're a cross between the Christian right and some of the nationalist militias you see out west.
Lennie Briscoe: God and guns.
Ed Green: Bad chemistry.

Lennie Briscoe: (to Darnell Marbury) Your get-out-of-jail-free ticket took five in the chest.

(Preuss' lawyer thinks he's representing a sauce company)

Lennie Briscoe: You know where the money from all that sauce goes?
Julian Preuss: We have a lot of expenses!
Ed Green: Yeah, guns, explosives...
Lennie Briscoe: All those copies of Mein Kampf...

Julian Preuss: You think I'm stupid?
Jack McCoy: The jury's still out on that.

Lennie Briscoe: Better be careful, Jack. Looks like it's open season on lawyers.

Background information and notes[]

  • The fate of Danielle Melnick isn't known until the season 14 "City Hall".
  • Goofs:
    • Michael Louis Wells is credited as "Matthew Clemens" in this episode and all his other future episodes, but in the season 15 episode In God We Trust, his first name is given as "Kevin" by ADA Alexandra Borgia.
    • This episode aired on November 20, 2002. However, the episode scene cards correspond to a 2001 calendar.

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Apartment of
Chris Wilson
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
Tuesday, September 25

Grodie & Watts
312 Downing Street
Tuesday, September 25

Westside Motors
104 Eleventh Avenue
Tuesday, September 25

4 5 6

Apartment Of
Darnell Marbury
High Bridge, The Bronx
Wednesday, September 26

Apartment of
Thalia Raye Phillips
Medford, New York
Friday, September 28

American Patriot Union
Ronkonkoma, New York
Thursday, October 4

7 8 9

Supreme Court
Trial Part 50
Motion Hearing
Tuesday, October 9

Supreme Court
Thursday, November 8

Riker Island
Correctional Facility
Wednesday, November 21

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"Open Season"
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