Law and Order

Pamela Stone was the eldest child of former New York A.D.A Benjamin Stone and the sister of A.D.A. Peter Stone. She suffered from schizophrenia and was living at a mental health ward, where she received medical care.


For three months in 1988, she and her brother were sent by their father to stay with their aunt Carol in Montana, after it became apparent that they were being stalked by a a dangerous serial rapist. (SVU: "Dear Ben")

After the death of her father, her brother was put in charge of her medical care. Pamela was visited by Peter whom she mistook for their father in her delusional state. (SVU: "Send In The Clowns")

She was later kidnapped and fatally wounded by Diego Diaz in front of her brother and the SVU, saying her brother's name one last time before succumbing to her wounds and dying in Peter's arms. The fleeing Diaz was soon gunned down by the cops for his actions. (SVU: "Remember Me Too")


