Law and Order
Law and Order

Parker Young was the rapist of Naomi Hayes.


After Benson started investigating Naomi's rape, Parker was questioned by Velasco who claimed that he saw everybody in Todd's room and that he hoped Todd had accepted her. After discovering footage of Parker and Helene having sex with Naomi, Naomi confesses to Benson that Helene started kissing her and then Parker raped her while Helene held her down. Parker and Helene claim that Naomi had a bad home life while Carisi tries to build a case. Parker and Helene then get taken to court for the rape where Carisi offers ten years.

Naomi testifies against Parker and Helene where Colin enters the courtroom. Helene claims that she engaged in a loving, consensual relationship and clearly Naomi was angry and needed an excuse for setting the bus on fire. After Velasco and Muncy discover that Colin skipped school to do drugs, Fin corners Colin in the bathroom and Colin claims that he only had sex with Helene. Colin testifies that he had a bad home life and Parker and Helene let him study at their home.

Colin then testifies that he only wanted to have sex with Helene and that he didn't want Parker to touch him because he is not gay. Colin then claims that he didn't consent to anything with Parker but he was in love with Helene. Parker then makes a statement about how he used his debate skills to convince himself that students wanted sex and apologised for his actions. (SVU: "Debatable")
