Law and Order
Law and Order
"Parole Violations"
SVU, Episode 16.17
Production number: 16017
First aired (US): 25 March 2015
First aired (UK): 19 April 2015
First aired (CAN): 25 March 2015
First aired (AUS): 25 June 2015
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
Jill Abbinanti

Directed By
Jean de Segonzac

A parole officer is accused of manipulating clients for personal gain.


Detective Carisi's sister Bella prepares for her wedding to fiancé Tommy Sullivan and the upcoming birth of their child. But when Tommy falls back into bad habits and accuses his parole officer of rape, Carisi must investigate whether the claim is real or just another one of Tommy's excuses.


Tommy Sullivan got in a bar fight and is arrested following a visit with his parole officer. Tommy tells SVU detective Sonny Carisi that the parole officer forced Tommy to have sexual relations with her. Carisi tells Tommy that he was raped. Tommy doesn't understand how it was rape, because he's a man. The SVU detective squad and Tommy's fiancé doubts the story, since Tommy is a two strike felon and if a man didn't want sex than his body wouldn't respond. Sergeant Benson explains to everyone that the males response is just like the body's response when cutting onions. Bella, Tommy's fiancé finally understands. The parole officer has to go to trial.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



Carisi: [to Tommy] You cheated on my pregnant sister!

Tommy Sullivan: I don't want to make a big deal out of this, okay?
Benson: So you're just going to pretend that nothing happened? Go back to your parole officer next week and hope that she doesn't pull a gun on you?

Benson: [to Tommy Sullivan] What happened to you wasn't right, it wasn't your fault, and it's not going to just go away if you pretend it didn't happen.

[about Rollins]
Carisi: She's kind of big on tough love, isn't she?
Amaro: Look, her sister played her so many times, she taught herself to expect the worst from family.

Bella Carisi: This job makes you think everyone's a victim to save. Like with Tommy. You got over-involved. He told me he was a mess.
Dominick Carisi, Jr.: What was I supposed to do?
Bella: Gina and Teresa kept telling me I could do better. I should have listened to them.
Dominick: Oh, my God. I love our sisters, I do, but they're crazy, okay? Teresa won't even talk to a guy who makes less than six figures and Gina, she's been engaged, what, like 10 times? Don't put too much stock into their opinions of Tommy.
Bella: Why are you defending him now? He was never your favorite either.
Dominick: Tommy's had his fair share of screw ups, but this isn't one of them, Bella. Not to mention, you're having the guy's kid.
Bella: Maybe. We'll see.
Dominick: We'll see? What does that mean?
Bella: I'm only 10 weeks. I got options.
Dominick: Come on, hey, don't say things like that.
Bella: It's too much, Sonny. I don't think I can do it. I don't think I can raise a kid on my own.

Bella Carisi: Sonny told me that sometimes women say they've been raped when they don't want their husbands to find out they were fooling around.
Benson: Well, your brother has a lot of stories, but this isn't one of them. Tommy wanted no part of what happened to him.
Bella Carisi: Then how did he...? With a gun to his head? You know, it just that seems impossible.
Benson: Because it happens. It happens to men, it happens to women. It's a mechanical biological response. It doesn't mean that the victim enjoyed it. It's like, you know, a sneeze, or or when you've cut up onions. Right? Okay, so, what happens? You cry. Actual tears. But it doesn't mean that you're sad. Bella, I know what I'm talking about. And I'm asking you to trust me. To trust me about Tommy.

Donna Marshall: I gave up my life, my marriage for this job and then Tommy Sullivan comes waltzing in all buzzy, talking about his pregnant girlfriend and his wonderful new life.
Benson: That doesn't give you the right to do what you did to him.
Donna Marshall: I tried to help him! I tried to help all of them! And you know what they do? They take your hand and they drag you down to their level. They don't want to change. They will never change.

Background information and notes[]

  • ADA Barba says he never prosecuted a case like this, and neither has anyone he talked to. ADA Alex Cabot did, however, prosecute a largely similar case back in the Season 3 episode "Ridicule" and secured a conviction.

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3 4 5

11th Precinct
139 East 2nd Street
Thursday, February 26

517 West 22nd Street
Thursday, February 26

Apartment of
Jordan Dolphy
131 East 3rd Street
Saturday, February 28

Supreme Court
Part 22
Monday, March 2

Supreme Court
Part 22
Tuesday, March 3

Previous episode:
"December Solstice"
"Parole Violations"
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 16
Next episode:
"Devastating Story"
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