Law and Order
Law and Order

Patricia Smith is the sister of schizophrenic lawyer James Smith. She was his primary defender regarding his psychiatric diagnosis, and she told ADA Kincaid about his medical and legal history.

It was revealed that Patricia left a message for Kincaid when he was arrested for stalking and harassment, insisting that, because he would go off his prescribed antipsychotics, he needed hospitalization. Kincaid assumed that she wanted leniency and released him, resulting in the killings of three people and the severe injury of Joanne Ellis. Patricia begrudgingly remarked that this led to the D.A.'s office with even more responsibility.

Patricia was brought on to convince James to take a plea, as he wanted to make up for his lost legal career by representing himself. When the prosecution saw that he wanted to commit suicide from his recent activities, Patricia implored him to accept a deal, which he agreed to. (L&O: "Pro Se")
