Law and Order
Law and Order

Phoebe Bernap was a schoolteacher and pedophile, who became a suspect in the kidnapping of Zach Foster, which was actually committed by another pedophile.


Bernap had worked in four different schools before her current workplace. Unknown to her colleagues, she was a sexual predator who charmed her students into sex. She had been having an exceeding amount of sexual contact with her teenage students, and even when she worked with third graders. After she was interrogated by the detectives regarding Zach, she denied having any contact with him. She also had an alibi, as she had recently gotten married to one of her previous victims who was now old enough.

However, she was put on trial for having sex with Travis Barstow and Jordan Messina, and she was later imprisoned. (SVU: "Catfishing Teacher")

Known Victims[]

  • Unknown dates and locations: Numerous unnamed boys (raped and/or committed statutory rape with)
  • Unknown dates and locations: David Faulkner (her husband; committed consensual statutory rape with; later married)
  • Unknown dates, New York City, New York:
    • Travis Barstow (committed consensual statutory rape with)
    • Jordan Messina (committed nonconsensual statutory rape with)