Law and Order
Law and Order
SVU, Episode 20.04
Production number: 20004
First aired: 11 October 2018
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
Michael S. Chernuchin & Lawrence Kaplow

Directed By
Martha Mitchell


When a masked pizza deliveryman assaults a seemingly random couple in their home, the Special Victims Unit must unravel a complicated revenge plot before anyone else is victimized.


The episode starts with a masked pizza deliveryman who assaults a seemingly random couple in their home, the Special Victims Unit is called in and learn that the victims were called "Chad and Stacy" by their assailant.

They try to find a connection believing this was a case of mistaken identity, they find a resident in the same building the assault took place who has the name Chad living with his wife Brianna. Benson and Rollins interview the two about the circumstances that could have led up to this case.

Eventually they leave but not before Benson leaves her business card with Brianna after noticing her acting strangely. Brianna comes into SVU headquarters and reveals that she had an affair with another man at a Yoga class, but she ended it after he was revealed to be possessive. She believes the man whose name is Paolo attempted to assault them instead.

They find and bring him in, but he is revealed to have an alibi when he was teaching Yoga in a video at the same time the assault took place. Rollins comes in saying another assault took place with the same M.O, when they interview the victims the details match with the first assault. Meaning they are dealing with multiple assailants all who are colluding with each other.

Eventually they make a connection and bring in Riley Potter who confidently says he did not assault anyone. They then receive news that another assault took place, but this time the boyfriend John in question has been shot. They get to the hospital and talk to John’s parents who is currently in surgery fighting for his life after being shot in the head.

Benson talks to the girlfriend and fiancée Carol Solomon who is recovering in the hospital as well. She reveals that the assailant was of average height and like the others was wearing a motorcycle helmet. Carol remembers that the assailant said the name O'Riley when he was assaulting her.

Just then Rollins comes in and shakes her head revealing that John had died in surgery. Benson shocked sits down with Carol and breaks the news to her much to shock and grief. Afterwards back in the squad room Benson talks to A.D.A Peter Stone revealing her theory about the assaults.

She believes the assailants switched the people who they were assaulting in order give themselves an alibi as well as to hide their connection with their intended victims. In order find out if this is true, they talk to Riley Porter again and he once again denies involvement.

However when they reveal that one of his buddies killed one of the victims he in shock confesses everything, he tells them that he talked to his buddies on a online chat room. The leader's username is Ironcross X, the detectives do not know his real name but they identify the second assailant Chris Carnasis.

They bring Chris in and pressure him into revealing his involvement and how he was jealous of all the "Chads and Staceys" out there. He tells them the real name of Iron Cross is Tony Kelly whom they find and arrest.

When they try to get more evidence by Subpoena to get his phone for the GPS data, his attorney Nikki Staines helps him avoid this. As a last-ditch effort, they decide to bring Tony and his victim Carol face to face.

Carol enters the room that Tony and his attorney are in and Benson asks her to recall the good old days as they were students in the same high school. Carol doesn’t remember Tony and becoming upset, she asks Tony why he did what he did. He becomes angry at her confusion and confessed to his crimes, then tried to attack Carol, but Stone intervened and refused him, followed by Benson. Tony reveals he knew all about her, about what she likes and hates, even her phone number. Tony had tried to ask her out to the high school prom via phone call, but when he called her, she didn't answer, and he left a voicemail for her. Though he waited, he never got a call back, making him believe that she rejected him.

Benson, having heard enough, arrests Tony for murder and for rape. Carol suddenly tells Tony that she did not receive a voicemail from him and that the phone number he used was someone else's number, meaning he raped her and killed John for nothing. Tony, Benson, and Stone are left speechless by the revelation as Benson leads him away.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



Anne Whitman: [hearing a knock on the door] Forget it, Rick.
Rick Karsch: I'm expecting a quarterly report from the office. All I'm saying is it better not be Jenna.
Anne: Well, she's off on a romantic week in St. Bart's.
Rick: Oh, well, at least Brett's getting some.
Anne: Who said Brett's with her?

Officer Dominique Rivers: Pizza delivery guy forced his way inside. Whacked the guy, raped his girlfriend. His name's Rick Karsch. She's Anne Whitman. He's in the office getting bandaged up. That's her on the couch.

Benson: So, Anne, I know that this is difficult, but I'm gonna ask you to describe him. Anything that you remember could be a very big help.
Anne Whitman: He made me tie Rick's hands with those plastic things. They were in the pizza box. Uh... he put a gun to my head.
Benson: Okay. Was he white, black, Hispanic?
Anne Whitman: He was wearing a helmet. Like for a motorcycle.
Benson: Oh.
Anne Whitman: Do I have to do this now?
Benson: No. No, you don't. Officer Rivers is gonna take you to the hospital now, okay? Listen, is there anyone that I can call for you?
Anne Whitman: How am I supposed to tell my dad?
Benson: Anne, listen to me. None of this your fault. Do you understand? None of it.

Tutuola: This scumbag called Rick "Chad".
Benson: And he kept calling Anne "Stacey".
Tutuola: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Benson: That the bastard hit the wrong apartment?

Carisi: If everybody has to sign in, then how'd the pizza guy get upstairs without you knowing?
Keyshawn: Sometimes it gets really busy with deliveries. He must've slipped by. Happens.
Rollins: Maybe you took a walk for a cigarette, a cup of coffee, smoke a joint?
Keyshawn: I do my job.
Rollins: Yeah? 'Cause a stranger walked through your doors right there, beat up one of your tenants, raped another one. So I wouldn't count on keeping this job for too long.

Benson: Hey, how'd we do?
Carisi: We got a Chad, but no Stacey.
Rollins: The guy took it pretty far if it's a case of mistaken identity.
Benson: Okay, Fin, Carisi, check every pizza joint within a thirty-block radius. Rollins, let's talk to the luckiest Chad on the planet.

Chad Moore: We pay such a premium for security in this place.
Brianna Moore: Is she okay?
Benson: Well, uh, she doesn't have any broken bones, if that's what you mean.
Brianna Moore: Women don't get over this, do they?
Benson: But they can get past it.

Chad Moore: If I thought anybody wanted to rape Brianna, you would've heard from me a long time ago.
Rollins: Maybe someone who had some kind of grudge against you. Maybe someone from your past. Maybe somebody from work.
Chad Moore: I'm a dentist. Everybody hates me.

Jake Sanders: Go ahead, check. The gun's perfectly legal.
Carisi: There is no way that an aerobics instructor like you got a carry license in New York City. And even if you did, you're not allowed to smack someone in the head with it.

Benson: Beth, no one is going to blame you for this.
Beth Palmer: But I do. I opened the door. I didn't even ask who it was.

Carisi: Hey guys, I think we got a real problem here. Now, I put the names Chad and Stacey through RTC, Accurint, TLO. I got nothing. Then I tried the Dark Web. A lot of stuff came up. Now, the name Stacey is not a specific person. A Stacey is any woman that an incel wants but cannot get.
Tutuola: Because of guys they call Chads?
Carisi: Exactly.
Rollins: That guy in Toronto, he was an incel.
Carisi: He's their patron saint. I mean, this guy drove a van through a crowd of people because he wasn't getting any.
Tutuola: There's absolutely no reason for anybody to be involuntarily celibate. That's why God invented hookers.

Tate Brightman: It's like a traveling party. I rent out a restaurant or a club for the night.
Carisi: And people pay you for this?
Tutuola: You're a pimp.
Tate Brightman: They pay me to make sure that they're mingling with the right sort of people.
Tutuola: With the right-sized bank accounts.
Tate Brightman: That helps.
Carisi: Beth Palmer sells shoes.
Tate Brightman: That's only part of the formula.
Carisi: You got a lot of people trying to sneak into these parties?
Tate Brightman: Well, at one party, I had over a thousand applicants. I max out at 200.
Carisi: Well, what happens to the other 800?
Tate Brightman: Well, they drink their sorrows away on Second Avenue with the rest of the losers.
Tutuola: Keep a record of these "losers"?
Tate Brightman: Hmm. All submissions are confidential.
Tutuola: You know, I'm no lawyer, but I've never heard of pimp/john confidentiality.

Riley Porter: Because there's no such thing as rape.
Tutuola: I gotta hear this.
Riley Porter: It's in the Constitution, right? "All men are created equal." We're entitled to life, liberty, and happiness. And sex makes us happy.

Carisi: Well, here's the thing, Riley. We're gonna check your alibi. We're gonna pull your cell phone records, and all those street security cameras? We're going to check those too. And if you were anywhere near Beth Palmer's apartment last Tuesday, you're gonna be pursuing happiness in Ossining for the rest of your life.

Carisi: Riley, do you know the difference between concurrent and consecutive sentences?
Rollins: One means your ass is ours. The other, your ass is ours forever.

Benson: He's a millennial cliché. 27 years old and lives with his mother in Riverdale.
Stone: Nice place?
Benson: Does it matter?
Stone: It may.
Benson: Uh, you know, it was awfully big for the two of them.
Stone: Good. Does he love his mom?
Benson: It appeared that he did. I mean, I wouldn't let him live in my house.
Stone: What tale is he telling?
Benson: Oh, deaf and dumb per his lawyer, who's a real winner named Dave Arnold.
Stone: Dave "Do What?" Arnold?
Benson: I don't get it.
Stone: You will.

Tutuola: They just didn't wake up one morning and decide women were the enemy. These seeds were planted a long time ago.

Melanie Pierce: Sorry, I'm not one of those mothers... what do they call them? Who hovers?
Tutuola: Helicopter.

Stone: Looks like every other high school boy on prom.
Benson: Yeah, except that he's missing one thing: a date. Look, Carol swears that she went to the prom with someone else. Okay, she snubbed him, and he's been fantasizing about her for ten years.
Stone: Well, fantasy isn't corroboration.
Benson: But it's motive.
Stone: Three lonely, sick guys cook up this elaborate plan. Two of them execute it perfectly, but Tony, probably the smartest of the three, screwed up?
Benson: That's what criminals do.
Stone: Or maybe he didn't. The others attack strangers who wronged their buddy, but Tony raped the woman who hurt him in high school.
Benson: So in the heat of the moment, he wanted Carol to know that it was him.

Carol Solomon: [to Tony] Who are you? Why did you do this to me?
Tony Kelly: Because you're ignorant, and shallow, and you throw yourself at worthless men like John Quinn.
Carol Solomon: I loved John!
Tony Kelly: No, no, no. You're not entitled to love. You're not entitled to anything.
Benson: But you are.
Tony Kelly: You're damn right I am! Chad and Stacey, Stacey and Chad. Winners of the genetic lottery flaunting it to the rest of us.
Stone: What, losers?
Tony Kelly: Look at you. All of you! You're all too obtuse to see what's going on! You have no idea. Perfect people running around Central Park, picnics in Sheep's Meadow. Always flaunting, always having a wonderful time while I was alone. It's time you all learned your lesson!

Carol Solomon: You bastard! I never got your voicemail, because that was never my phone number. You called somebody else, you stupid evil bastard!

Background Information and Notes[]

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Pro Cycle
98 Charles Street
Friday, October 5

Apartment Of
Paolo Ricci and Beth Palmer
171 Eldridge Street
Friday, October 5

Brooklyn Heights Promenade
Saturday, October 6

4 5 6

Carnasis Residence
4679 Rodgewood Road
Riverdale, New York
Sunday, October 7

Motions Court
Part 33
Tuesday, October 9

Apartment Of
Melanie Pierce
220 East 41st Street
Wednesday, October 10

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"Zero Tolerance"
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 20
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