Law and Order
Law and Order

Ricardo Morales is a Detective in the Robbery-Homicide Division of the Los Angeles Police Department on Law & Order: LA.


Morales has a deep abiding sense of justice. He got his work ethic from his father, a groundskeeper at Hillcrest Country Club who took great pride in his work. (LA: "Hollywood") His father and mother are Latino immigrants from Mexico. He grew up in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. In his spare time, he occasionally goes to the beach. (LA: "Harbor City") Like most Los Angeles DAs, he has an eye for politics and he's very media savvy.

He was on the LAPD for 15 years, reaching the rank of Detective, and his level of frustration as a prosecutor has reached the tipping point so he has decided to return to the force as a Detective.

Officer-involved shootings[]


Law & Order: Los Angeles - Main characters

Characters: Tomas JaruszalskiRicardo MoralesRex WintersArleen Gonzales


Characters: Jonah DekkerConnie RubirosaJerry HardinLauren StantonEvelyn Price
