Ricky Yao was a leader of a New York chapter of the Snakeheads gang, with an oppressive threat over Li Mei Wu and her niece Ping until they meet his demands of paying debts for immigrating Ping into the U.S.
Yao immigrated Ping in and demanded her mother Jiao work in a sweatshop and send her finances to Yao until the Wu family's debts were paid for being smuggled into the country. Li Mei arrived later and was eager to find her family, horrified Yao killed Jiao and left her sister's younger children to die.
Li Mei found out while Jiao was working in hard labor, Ping was being sex trafficked and repeatedly raped as an added debt payment. Despite such dangers, harassment, and outright violence, Yao sent an enforcer to beat and slash Li Mei to scare her into picking up after Jiao's demanded work and finances.
Yao denies all wrongdoing to Detectives Benson and Stabler and even when ADA Novak offers a deal when he's tracked and taken into custody. Knowing that have a limited window of time to save Ping, the squad rushes to the brothel she's kept at when Yao orders her hit after arraignment. By only seconds to spare, they raid the hideout and see Ping being hold hostage by a Snakehead thug. He's quickly shot dead, and Ping and Li Mei reunite in an ambulance.
Ricky is later sent to prison for life for his crimes. (SVU: "Debt")
Known Victims[]
- Unknown dates:
- Sexually assaulted and/or facilitated the rapes of hundreds of unnamed women
- Three unnamed victims (all murdered)
- Several unnamed victims (all murdered under his orders)
- Numerous unnamed victims (all assaulted under his orders)
- 2004:
- Unknown date: Ping Wu (kidnapped and facilitated her rapes; later ordered her hit; was rescued)
- July 6: The Wu family
- Jiao Wu (Ping's mother; slashed her throat)
- Hannah Wu (Jiao's middle daughter; attempted; indirectly left for dead by murdering Jiao)
- Suzie Wu (Jiao's youngest daughter; attempted; indirectly left for dead by murdering Jiao)
- July 14-15: Li Mei Wu (Jiao's sister; assaulted by Tommy; beaten and her forehead cut)