Law and Order
Law and Order
Rocco Sisto
Date of birth
February 8, 1953
Place of birth
Bari, Italy
IMDb profile

Rocco Sisto is an actor who played five different characters in all four primary shows of the Law & Order franchise.

Sisto also appeared in the Homicide: Life on the Street episode "Bones of Contention" as Raphael Sykes.


Joseph Turner
Jamie Astangura
Joseph Turner Brendan Hall Jamie Astangura
L&O: "Cradle to Grave" L&O: "Faccia a Faccia" L&O: "Hitman"
Police Commissioner Fahey
Police Commissioner Fahey Judge Joe Ellery
CI: "Maltese Cross" • "The War at Home" SVU: "Can't Be Held Accountable" • "Must Be Held Accountable" • "People Vs Richard Wheatley"