Law and Order
Law and Order

Ronnie Chase is the manager and boyfriend of model Lorelai Mailer, as well as the murderer of her adopted son Justin Holland, poisoning him with Lorelai's methadone to have a closer relationship with Lorelei after having their daughter, Ava. Lorelei's sister Jolene then poisoned Lorelei with methadone and antidepressants to frame Chase, as she killed Lorelei out of jealousy.

Chase was released when suspecting Jolene, causing Jolene to threaten to drop Ava off their apartment rooftop balcony. Chase, under duress, confessed to murdering Justin, resulting in his arrest. Jolene confessed as well and handed Ava back before she was also arrested.

Ronnie was found guilty of premeditated murder and imprisoned. (CI: "Bombshell")
