Ruby Mesner is the sister of psychopath Henry Mesner, who suffered years of physical and mental abuse at the hands of her brother.
In 2013, Henry pushed Ruby down their apartment staircase, which resulted in a bruise on her stomach. Ruby went to her school nurse complaining that she had a bump on her forehead and that her stomach hurt, where the nurse discovered the bruise. She called the police and reported possible abuse, which prompted the Special Victims Unit to investigate. Ruby referred to Henry as the monster but was reluctant to tell the detectives about Henry's abusive behaviour, not wanting him to get in trouble because she loved him. Eventually, Henry decided to try and kill Ruby and locked himself and Ruby in a room in their apartment, where he tied her up and lit a fire, which almost caused Ruby to suffocate due to smoke inhalation. Fortunately, she was saved and was taken to hospital to recover. (SVU: "Born Psychopath")
In 2016, Ruby's mother Viola died in a car accident. In 2021, eight years after Henry was sent to juvenile detention, Ruby's father Tom, her stepmother Holly and her half-brother Arlo were murdered by Henry, who was released from juvenile detention. Henry had intended to murder her as well but Ruby was staying at a friends place and the police stayed outside her friends place to make sure Ruby, her friend and her friends family were safe. This did not stop Henry from tracking down Ruby and he soon kidnapped her and held her at gunpoint but she was saved by Rollins, who discovered several photos of her daughter Jesse as well as Ruby on Henry's phone. (SVU: "Post-Graduate Psychopath")
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (2 seasons, 2 episodes):