Law and Order
SVU, Episode 2.16
Production number: E1405
First aired: 2 March 2001
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Jeffries Runaway
Written By
David J. Burke & Nick Kendrick

Directed By
Richard Dobbs

The Detectives have to track down a runaway daughter of a police officer, which leads them to New York City's rave life.


The search for a police officer's runaway daughter, which leads the detectives through an underground rave culture that caters to wayward teens, is seen through the eyes of the squad room personnel and their interviews with the Internal Affairs division.


Main cast

Guest cast




Where do you live? If you can't tell us where you live, we can provide you with an address.

–Olivia Benson

Ted Bolger: Who is he?!
Odafin Tutuola: That's my Jew.
John Munch: Shalom.

John Munch: Your Jew? Your Jew? What if I called you 'my boy'?!
Odafin Tutuola: I'll be your boy, John.

Lorna Frankel: Hey, you can't arrest them. This is a free country!
Odafin Tutuola: No, it's a democracy, and the majority of us don't like what's going on here.

Ted Bolger: I'm callin' the police.
Odafin Tutuola: What, so you can show 'em all your cocaine?

(on "tuning up" suspects)

I don't do that anymore. I'm old and it's tiring.

–John Munch

Donald Cragen: The girl O.D.'d and died alone. Her father, a decorated cop, 30-year career, over, no pension, his family in shambles. But you know what really, really scares me? That all you people are concerned about is some lying, murdering sack of crap.
IAB Officer: That sack of crap has rights, too.

Elliot Stabler: Tito, this is Detective Benson. Heard you wanted to help.
Tito Frank: Nobody's talking to you and a mall queen. What about the black chick?
Olivia Benson: The black chick has other duties.

Tito Frank: Nobody knows I have a camera.
Elliot Stabler: Well, I can keep a secret if the mall queen can.

Background information and notes

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
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