Law and Order

Ryan Quinn is a female police officer who helped a fellow officer from her precinct Kenneth Parker rape women because she was in love with him.


While working with Parker Quinn develops feelings for him and helped him rape drunk women they picked up from bars. Whenever one of their victims tried to press charges the other officers at the precinct would cook the books to make the rape charges against them and the other officers, who also used their position to rape, disappear. When Officer Michael Groves leaves the precinct and tells others about the corruption Quinn and the other officers of the 12th precinct have him arrested and committed into a psych ward. When Internal Affairs investigate the 12th precinct and enlist the Special Victims Unit to help them in the investigation Brian Cassidy goes undercover as a new recruit in the precinct and becomes Parker's new partner while Quinn gets a rookie named Officer West as her new partner.

The next night when Lieutenant Terrance Wood informed Quinn that Cassidy is really working undercover to investigate them for rape (which Wood knew because Ed Tucker tipped him off) she leaves her partner West and tells him to watch the car while she's away. When she tells Parker about Cassidy being undercover and when he comes down the stairs they they hold him against the wall find the wire on him and then take him into their police car and bring him to the docks while telling other officers in the area that Cassidy is a criminal. When they get to the docks Quinn and Parker take Cassidy's gun from him and force him to kneel down while telling other officers in the area that shoots are being fired but before they can murder Cassidy SVU detectives Olivia Benson and Nick Amaro arrive on the scene, save Cassidy and then arrest Quinn and Parker for multiple counts of conspiracy to commit rape and for attempting to murder Cassidy. During interrogation Quinn refused to confess what she, Parker and the other officers from her precinct were doing but after Benson confronts her about her feelings for Parker and explains that she will never be in a relationship with him she confess what she and Parker were doing. (SVU: "Internal Affairs")
