The first season of the police procedural drama series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit premiered on NBC on September 20, 1999 and concluded on May 19, 2000. The season consists of 22 episodes. This is the first season to feature Dann Florek as Donald Cragen (from three seasons of the original Law & Order) and Richard Belzer as John Munch (from crime drama series of Homicide: Life on the Street and Homicide: The Movie), plus Michelle Hurd as Monique Jeffries joins the regular cast (episode 14-onward) after she recurs (episodes 1-13). Original Law & Order cast members: Jerry Orbach, Jesse L. Martin, Sam Waterston, Angie Harmon, and Steven Hill starred as special guests this season. It is also the only season to feature Robert Palm as showrunner. This season aired alongside with season ten of Law & Order.
Main Cast[]
Image | Character | Title | Actor |
Elliot Stabler | Detective (Senior Officer) | Christopher Meloni | |
Olivia Benson | Detective (Junior Officer) | Mariska Hargitay | |
John Munch | Detective (Senior Officer) | Richard Belzer | |
Monique Jeffries (1.14-1.22) | Detective (Junior Officer) | Michelle Hurd | |
Donald Cragen | Captain (Commanding Officer) | Dann Florek |
Recurring/Guest cast[]
Image | Character | Title | Actor |
Lennie Briscoe | Homicide Detective (Senior Officer) | Jerry Orbach | |
Ed Green | Homicide Detective (Junior Officer) | Jesse L. Martin | |
Jack McCoy | Executive Assistant District Attorney | Sam Waterston | |
Abbie Carmichael | Assistant District Attorney | Angie Harmon | |
Adam Schiff | Manhattan, District Attorney | Steven Hill | |
Elizabeth "Liz" Olivet | Psychologist | Carolyn McCormick | |
Monique Jeffries (1.01-1.03, 1.06-1.13) | Detective (Junior Officer) | Michelle Hurd |
List of Episodes[]
DVD Release[]
DVD name | Cover art | Release date | Additional information |
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The First Year |
October 21, 2003 |
Previous season: None |
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 1 |
Next season: Season 2 |