The fourteenth season of the police procedural drama series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit premiered on NBC on September 26, 2012 and concluded on May 22, 2013. The season consists of 24 episodes. It is the first season to include Raúl Esparza as Rafael Barba. This season also contains the 300th episode of the series. This was also the first SVU season to feature crossovers with Law & Order: Criminal Intent, which had ended in 2011.
Main Cast[]
Image | Character | Title | Actor |
Olivia Benson | Detective (Senior Officer) | Mariska Hargitay | |
Nick Amaro | Detective (Junior Officer) | Danny Pino | |
Amanda Rollins | Detective (Junior Officer) | Kelli Giddish | |
John Munch | Sergeant (Senior Officer) | Richard Belzer | |
Odafin Tutuola | Detective (Senior Officer) | Ice-T | |
Donald Cragen | Captain (Commanding Officer) | Dann Florek |
Recurring/Guest Cast[]
Image | Character | Title | Actor |
Alexandra Eames | Lieutenant (Commanding Officer of JTF: Homeland security) | Kathryn Erbe | |
George Huang | FBI Agent | B.D. Wong | |
Melinda Warner | Medical examiner | Tamara Tunie | |
Rafael Barba | Assistant District Attorney | Raúl Esparza | |
Elizabeth "Liz" Olivet | Psychologist | Carolyn McCormick |
List of Episodes[]
Previous season: Season 13 |
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 14 |
Next season: Season 15 |