The nineteenth season of the police procedural drama series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit premiered on NBC on September 27, 2017 and concluded on May 23, 2018. The season consists of 24 episodes. It was the final season to include Raúl Esparza as Rafael Barba in a main cast role, the final season to include Stephanie March as Alexandra Cabot, and the first season to include Philip Winchester as Peter Stone and Michael S. Chernuchin as showrunner. This season aired alongside with season one of Law & Order True Crime.
Main Cast[]
Image | Character | Title | Actor |
Olivia Benson | Lieutenant (Commanding Officer) | Mariska Hargitay | |
Amanda Rollins | Detective (Junior Officer) | Kelli Giddish | |
Odafin Tutuola | Detective 19.01-19.20 Sergeant 19.21-19.24 (Senior Officer) |
Ice-T | |
Dominick Carisi, Jr. | Detective (Junior Officer) | Peter Scanavino | |
Rafael Barba (19.01-19.13) | Assistant District Attorney | Raúl Esparza | |
Peter Stone (19.14-24) | Assistant District Attorney | Philip Winchester |
Recurring/Guest Cast[]
List of Episodes[]
Previous season: Season 18 |
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 19 |
Next season: Season 20 |