Sofia (real name unknown) is a Pakistani terrorist previously conspiring with John, a bomber and fellow terrorist, for a mass casualty catastrophe, before the plan was thwarted.
Sofia lived in a small village in the Waziristan region of her birth nation. The Pakistani government executed a drone strike on their community, near where she and her father lived. Her father, a doctor, rushed to help as a first responder. Since rescuers were typically the next targets, a second drone strike followed. Sofia was irreparably scarred from her father's murder reducing him to scattered carnage, let alone burying him in a such grotesque condition of his remains. Since the drones were American manufactured, she worked with an accomplice to get revenge presumably by a bombing and mass murder.
Sofia and her accomplice bribed Louis and Mikey Pappas, two sex traffickers and murderers, to smuggle her into America disguised as a victim and transporting her repeatedly to the duo's meeting place, an apartment complex in the Amsterdam neighborhood. Her disguise was down to a barcode on her neck painted to look like the tattoos pf the Pappas' ring. When the ring was disbanded and the women were rescued, Sofia wasn't on the records of the family's criminal activities, ousting her as the terrorist. She was traced to the meeting place, where she was arrested and her cover blown by her "tattoo" being wiped off. Her accomplice was detained shortly after a failed attempt to set the bomb off in the building when detectives arrived.
Detained in Homeland Security custody, Benson and Eames questioned her on her motives. When she wouldn't talk, Eames used a technique of eye contact she learned from her partner Goren to seem sympathetic and pressure Sofia's confession. Sofia revealed her tragic past, but Benson just bitterly remarked she could've instead saved the women in the whore house. Sofia half-heartedly apologized, but then disassociated again by saying she had more to focus on than the women in the trafficking ring.
Sofia and her accomplice were found guilty and placed in federal prison on charges of terrorism and crimes against police. (SVU: "Acceptable Loss")