Law and Order
Law and Order
"Soldier of Fortune"
L&O, Episode 12.04
Production number: E2206
First aired: 24 October 2001
  th of 456 produced in L&O  
th of 456 released in L&O
  th of 1271 released in all  
Southerlyn Soldier of Fortune
Written By
Barry Schindel

Directed By
Richard Dobbs


A kidnapping and two murders leads to a blood diamond sold in civil wars in Africa. Eventually, they find out that one of the victim's father had given the information that led to his murder. With the man willing to testify about it, they are able to get the man they are trying to charge to admit to having the blood diamonds, but while he'd asked to get the stolen diamonds back, he hadn't ordered the murders. The man he had asked was responsible for that. In exchange for helping them extradite the men responsible and the location of his cache of blood diamonds, the man is allowed to leave the country.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]


  • James Hammonds
  • Bernard Powell, Jr.
  • Federated International
  • Denny B. Wury
  • Switzerland
  • AG Renwald
  • Crown Terrace Hotel
  • Sierra Leone
  • Angola
  • Blood diamonds



Background information and notes[]

Goof: Toni James is credited as "Judge Joan Vesey" but the credits and nameplate shown in "Bait" lists her character's name as "Joan Veysey".

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Apartment of
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powell
171 West 85th Street
Tuesday, April 4

Diamond Brokers, Inc
1179 Sixth Avenue
Tuesday, April 4

H & H Used Cars
Clinton Hill, Brooklyn
Wednesday, April 12

4 5 6

Consulate General
of Sierra Leone
Tuesday, April 25

Crowne Terrance Hotel
914 Fifth Avenue
Wednesday, April 26

Supreme Court
Trial Part 17
Thursday, July 11

Previous episode:
"For Love or Money"
"Soldier of Fortune"
Law & Order
Season 12
Next episode:
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