Law and Order
Law and Order

Susan Delzio was a former detective in the NYPD and a suspect in the murders of Emily Cutler and James Rodgers.


Susan was always the officer called to the scene to try and break up interventions between women vying for hedonistic mattress salesman Cal Cutler. She herself fell in love with Cal and started an affair with him, Cal genuinely planning on leaving his wife Emily for her. Susan was enraged one night when she was gathering Cal's things and killed Emily, then posed her as another victim of the unidentified serial killer "The Bedtime Butcher". She successfully got away with the murder for decades, even assisting Cal in staging his suicide by killing a released prisoner, Rodgers, in a car fire to pose as him. Cal tried to douse more gasoline on the car and was severely burned, but he narrowly lived and stayed in hiding for decades.

Susan was questioned when the serial killer, Ned Bogden, was identified and arrested, but Emily's killer was identified by a blond hair with female sex chromosomes. Cutler's ads were filled with beautiful blond women, many who were his mistresses, so Susan was called for consultation. When the team eventually realized Susan used to be blond, and she released Rodgers before he was murdered, she was pulled in for interrogation. She angrily refused to confess, until Cal was walked into the precinct himself. Susan emotionally confessed and emotionally shouted pleas for Cal as she was taken away and her rights were read. (SVU: "Bedtime")

Known Victims[]

  • Emily Cutler (Cal's wife; slashed to death and carved a large "X" into her head postmortem; disguised her murder to try and frame Ned Bogden)
  • James Rodgers (burned to death in a staged car crash)
  • Cal Cutler (assaulted; unintentionally burned)