Law and Order

Heartache at the end

I was outraged at how they chose to end the episode! I thought it would've helped to show forgiveness and tolerance and mercy! But even with the forgiveness, they still went down the path to retribution! I hope the next episode will cleanse my mind of this disgrace. --Aggression25 (talk) 05:08, October 1, 2015 (UTC)

I hated they went with retribution too, but the fact is I liked this episode because of the fact that it was so heart wrenching. Plus, this episode illustrates the fact that the justice system is not always just. Sometime the punishments imposed do not fit the crime or the person (in this case I believe it was the latter). Sometimes you can fight for someone all you like but there isn't always justice in the system. I can think of several others like this: True Believers, Funny Valentine, to name a few. While this may not be one of my favorites, I understand why they went this way with the story. Hito7187199 (talk) 05:17, October 1, 2015 (UTC)