Tate Rivers is a TikTok influencer who raped Willa Bartola, alongside his brother Liam Rivers.
After being invited to the Wheelhouse, Tate and Liam gang-raped her. Willa was found by her friend, Kevan Wright, in the corner of a basement crying. Willa announced her assault on TikTok which was found by Noah, who showed it to Olivia. Willa then took down the video after receiving hate mail and threatening messages from fans of Tate and Liam. The rape is investigated by the Special Victims Unit who want Willa to go back to the Wheelhouse for Diggy's apology. However, Tate and Liam arrive and push Willa into telling the fans that she made a false accusation which Willa did, under pressure.
Liam and Tate are interrogated with their lawyer, Jericho Swope. Later, Liam and Tate made an incriminating video about the case which was posted online and Jet got ahold of it. After seeing this video, the two are taken to trial. The judge warns them not to post anything about this case on social media which they both ignored after their release. Outside the courthouse, a group of fans are waiting for them and they ending up throwing things at Carisi and Rollins.
Carisi later asks the judge for a gag order but she tells Tate and Liam that they are going to be charged for inciting a riot. The trial commences and several people are called to testify against them, including Willa, Kevan and Diggy. On the stand, Diggy has a breakdown and accuses them of treating him like a slave and told everyone in the courtroom that they were guilty of rape. The judge held Diggy in contempt and he was taken away by a court officer.
Later, the jury returns and Tate and Liam are found not guilty of rape and are acquitted. However, Carisi does some digging and finds that the juror was seen with Tate and Liam outside the courtroom and that Tate and Liam bribed jurors to deliver a not guilty verdict. After the judge hears about this, she sentences both of them to seven years in prison. (SVU: "Fast Times @ TheWheelHouse")