Law and Order
Law and Order
"Thin Ice"
L&O, Episode 11.08
Production number: E1310
First aired: 20 December 2000
  th of 456 produced in L&O  
th of 456 released in L&O
  th of 1271 released in all  
Al Archer & Raymond Taylor Thin Ice
Teleplay By
Barry Schindel & Matt Witten

Story By
Bernard Goldberg

Directed By
Jace Alexander


The killing of a school-hockey coach leads to a case in which the defendant claims that he committed the crime while suffering from "sports rage."


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



  • Jack McCoy (during his closing argument): Are we really prepared to create a society in which nobody is responsible for controlling their anger?
  • Nora Lewin: When my niece was younger, she used to play soccer. I remember all the parents screaming at each other on the sidelines. Insanity is a pretty good description of their behavior, but it's not a legal excuse.
  • Nora Lewin: What did Dr. Skoda say?
  • Jack McCoy: That just because someone gets real mad doesn't mean they're insane.
  • Jack McCoy: The law says your right to rage ends at the other guy's nose.
  • Ed Green: (Referring to dead victim in parking garage.) Guy stuck his car in a garage, thought he was safe.
  • Lennie Briscoe: He forgot the high cost of parking in Manhattan.

Background information and notes[]

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Communications Division
One Police Plaza
Monday, October 18

Office of Bob Mele
Walcott High School
Thursday, October 21

Apartment of
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Taylor
618 West 157th Street
Friday, October 22

4 5 6 7

Forensic Sound Lab
One Police Plaza
Tuesday, October 26

Apartment of
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Felder
583 West 163rd Street
Monday, November 1

Supreme Court
Trial Part 73
Tuesday, December 14

Supreme Court
Trial Part 73
Tuesday, December 17

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"Thin Ice"
Law & Order
Season 11
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