Law and Order
Law and Order

Trevor Cannon is the murderer of college student Beth Garrett.


Little is known about Cannon, except he was implied to have mommy issues, in spite of him still living near his mother. Cannon would constantly hit on women on the dating show he was brought onto. When he took poorly being dumped on camera to the point of getting enraged, he was thrown off the show. Shortly after, he got into a bar fight with another patron and was arrested for assault. Hoping for more chances at picking up women, he brought his black and white Scottish terriers to dog parks and continued to make passes at women.

Cannon saw Beth stumbling outside and picked her up for a ride. He tried to make a move on her from when she was already crying, but she shoved him away because she was already traumatized. Cannon flew into a rage and strangled Beth to death, then left her in an open field in Runyon Canyon. While her college classmates, who put her through extreme sex shortly before her murder, were suspected and put on trial, Cannon was identified from his terrier's hairs being on Beth's person. He was tracked, arrested, and confessed in interrogation when confronted with his history and crimes.

Cannon was found guilty of second-degree murder and imprisoned. (L&O: "Runyon Canyon")
