Law and Order
SVU, Episode 11.07
Production number: 11007
First aired (US): 4 November 2009
First aired (UK): 27 November 2009
First aired (CAN): 6 November 2009
First aired (AUS): 8 April 2010
  {{{nNthProducedInSeries}}}th of 502 produced in SVU  
{{{nNthReleasedInSeries}}}th of 502 released in SVU
  {{{nNthReleasedInAll}}}th of 1271 released in all  
Enzo Cook
Written By
Michael Angeli

Directed By
David Platt


The SVU team investigates a therapist who breaks laws in his treatment of teens. Dr. Huang helps with the probe into sexual abuse of addicts in rehab.


Outside the Ascot Hotel, Enzo Cook shoots up before going to visit his girlfriend, A.J. Dunne, in a room. Her mother is phoning her, but she ignores the call. We see A.J. having sex, presumably with Enzo, when suddenly the man she is with chokes her to death. Enzo leaves stealthily as police cars pull up. Benson and Stabler investigate the room. The hotel clerk, nicknamed Scratchy, tells them in embarrassment that he did not check her for I.D., though he suspected that she was getting high and turning tricks.

Medical Examiner Warner tells them that in A.J.'s mouth she found blood belonging to the murderer, after A.J. fought and bit him. Tutuola and Morales report that a photo of the girl's dead body in the hotel bed was uploaded to the Internet right after she died, but before SVU investigated. Scratchy confesses to doing it and taking her phone, then, when a text arrives, Benson and Stabler go to confer with A.J.'s high school friends. They say that A.J.'s dad had been molesting her. Mr. Dunne is arrested on suspicion of her murder.

Mrs. Dunne tells Benson that A.J. was treated for oppositional defiance disorder, but nothing worked until she was admitted to A.S.P., A Sheltered Place, run by Martin Gold. Mr. Dunne tells Stabler that Gold's therapy consisted of persuading A.J. that she had repressed memories of being molested, an untrue accusation. Dunne has a good alibi: he was in jail during the time of the murder, after a confrontation with Gold, because a flyer was put on his car alerting him that Gold rapes his patients. A photo of Gold pushing A.J. up against a wall turns out later to have been photoshopped.

Benson and Stabler go to Gold's clinic and find it creepy that all his teen patients are saying, "I love you, Martin," but he denies Dunne's allegations and security camera tapes show him to have an alibi. Meanwhile, Enzo and a man named Ramsey Vickers are both arrested after suspicious behavior indicates they might be involved. Enzo is in acute withdrawal, and Vickers collapses from what doctors say is toxic shock from a bite to his penis; it was his blood in A.J.'s mouth. In the hospital, he confesses to Munch and Tutuola that he strangled her by accident.

After learning that Enzo witnessed Gold raping A.J., Huang wants to use him as a witness, but Enzo needs to be clean of his heroin addiction for it to work, and Martin, who has been supplying Enzo, takes him back before Huang can treat him. Huang locates Enzo and takes him to a clinic to be given Ibogaine, a drug illegal in the U.S. that could nevertheless cure him of his addiction completely but could also cause Huang to lose his license. Enzo takes the chance as he wants to get clean. Enzo takes the drug and is next seen begging Gold for more heroin.

He convinces Gold to give it to him, and the cops burst in and arrest Gold. It turns out Enzo is now completely clean of drugs and came back to help the cops get evidence on Gold. He has no plans to go back on drugs and plans to testify against Gold, who protests his arrest. Realizing Huang helped Enzo, Gold threatens Huang's career, but Huang reveals he already reported himself for his illegal actions and has gotten a 30-day suspension. He coldly tells Gold that it was completely worth it since it meant putting a monster like him behind bars.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



[about the murder victim]
Benson: I don't care if she could tie a knot in a cherry stem with her tongue. She wasn't a prostitute.

Benson: People trawling the Web for blood and guts. What a lovely world.

[to Scratchy after the murder victim's cell phone rings]
Benson: Well, that's a cute ringtone. What do you got, homeroom next?

Stabler: So when you have the impulse to rape one of your patients, why the hell fight it?

Tutuola: [while on the phone with Munch] What did you say? I can't make that out.
Munch: [on the phone] The liquor store said our guy is Caucasian, tall, maybe 45, wearing an olive colored jacket.
Tutuola: Take a nap, sleepy. I just saw him.

Ramsey Vickers: I want to talk to a lawyer.
Tutuola: Well, make sure you tell him that was a pre-season tackle. I didn't take you down that hard.

Dr. Merrins: Mr. Vickers suffered toxic shock caused by an infection.
Tutuola: From me tackling him?
Dr. Merrins: No, from a severe circumferential bite to his penis.
Munch: And you think you know a guy.
Tutuola: Courtesy of the dead girl, dumbass.

Dr. Huang: Gold gets off on making kids do things that will humiliate them. Their self-esteem plummets and they need him even more.
Benson: A.J. was so enmeshed with him that she actually registered at that motel with his name.
Stabler: He could ask those kids to jump off the Empire State Building and they'd race each other to the top.
Dr. Huang: We've got to shut him down before more bodies hit the pavement.

Martin Gold: Oh, Detective, every child that comes through my door lies. They lie until they're tired of getting caught, or until it's too late, and they're out of the program. They come from homes and from family histories that compel them to use deception and untruths to survive.
Stabler: Well, how about your family history? I mean, what's going on in your head that you would bang Enzo's girlfriend and then convince her to screw strangers that look like Daddy?

Dr. Huang: I'm Dr. Huang. How are you doing?
Enzo Cook: What does it look like?
Dr. Huang: You're in withdrawal.
Enzo Cook: You gotta get me something.
Dr. Huang: The only thing I can do is take you to the hospital.
Enzo Cook: No! Where's Martin?
Dr. Huang: Is Gold supplying you?
Enzo Cook: Can't you see I'm sick? You're a doctor! Help me!
Dr. Huang: I can get you into rehab after we go to the hospital.
Enzo Cook: You don't give a damn about me. No one does. Not my parents, not those cops. Only Martin. Where is Martin?
Dr. Huang: You're not going back to ASP.
Enzo Cook: Look, please, just tonight. I promise I'll do whatever you want. Please! I hurt bad. Look, you gotta help me.
Dr. Huang: It's okay, Enzo. We're going to do the best thing for you. We're going to stop Martin Gold.

[about Martin Gold]
Benson: Alex, he's treating girls as young as 14. If we don't charge him, then he's going to be back with his teen harem in the next few hours.

Alex Cabot: [upon seeing Enzo vomiting in the toilet while detoxing] Looks like your case just went down the toilet.

Dr. Huang: There are two kinds of parents. Those who will do anything for their children and those who will pay any amount to have someone else do it for them. I read Enzo's file. His parents are art dealers. They spend most of their time in Europe. They paid more than $1 million to park Enzo at ASP.
Benson: What do we do?
Dr. Huang: Send him to rehab. It's methadone now or it's back to heroin.
Stabler: If I were in his shoes, I'd probably get high, too.
Dr. Huang: He doesn't want to get high. He wants to avoid the pain of withdrawal. If he doesn't make it through rehab, he'll just go back to heroin and keep using it until it kills him.

[about Ibogaine]
Stabler: It can cure heroin addiction in 24 hours and it's illegal.
Dr. Huang: Because the patent expired, no drug company is gonna make a profit off it. No one will pay for lbogaine to go through FDA trials.
Stabler: The pharmaceutical industry can make more money treating addicts with less effective drugs. What a bunch of crap.
Dr. Huang: [Martin Gold walks into the room] And speaking of that, look what just walked in

Dr. Huang: [to Martin Gold] What are you doing here?
Martin Gold: I've come to take Enzo back to ASP.
Stabler: You're not taking that boy anywhere.
Martin Gold: When Enzo's parents enrolled him, they made me his legal guardian. And as his guardian, I know what's best for him.
Dr. Huang: What's best for him is real rehab, not your narcissistic schemes.
Martin Gold: Don't worry, Dr. Huang. He'll get all the TLC he needs.

[When Huang takes Enzo to get treated for his heroin addiction]
Benson: What you're doing is illegal.
Dr. Huang: Stay out of this, Liv, for your own sake.
Benson: Ibogaine hasn't been approved.
Dr. Huang: Because the drug companies don't want it approved. One dose of lbogaine and he's clean. We're leaving.
Benson: It's kidnapping. It's conspiracy to provide a controlled substance to a minor.
Dr. Huang: He's sick. I'm a doctor. I have a moral obligation to treat him.
Benson: You're an FBl agent who's breaking the law. You took an oath.
Dr. Huang: First do no harm. That is the oath I took as a doctor and that is what I live by.
Benson: Even if it means losing your license?
Dr. Huang: What kind of doctor am l if I don't help save this kid's life?

Martin Gold: You're a screw-up, Enzo. A pathetic loser. You'll come crawling back, you Judas.
Enzo Cook: I'm clean, Martin. You can rot in jail.
Martin Gold: [to Huang] You gave him Ibogaine, you'll lose your license I'm reporting you.
Dr. George Huang: I already reported myself. Thirty day suspension of my license. It was worth it.

Background information and notes[]

  • This is the first episode of the season to have all the original cast from season two to five to appear as well in the opening credits.
  • This is the special appearance of YouTube superstar Justine Ezarik, better known as "iJustine".

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Ascot Hotel
13 Kenmare Street
Wednesday, October 28

Dunne Residence
211 East 72nd Street
Wednesday, October 28

Office of
Assistant District Attorney
Alexandra Cabot
Thursday, October 29

4 5 6

Dunne Residence
211 East 72nd Street
Thursday, October 29

A Sheltered Place,
Family Night
145 West 69th Street
Thursday, October 29

A Sheltered Place
145 West 69th Street
Monday, November 2

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