Law and Order

Wade Fisk is the adjacent neighbor of Dede Aston and Ken Turner as well as Dede's partner in diving expeditions. Fisk is also the abductor of Ken's infant son Jasper, leaving him outside a gym with numerous nurturing mothers and other women, hoping that one would adopt him or otherwise find him a better home. However, Jasper ended up with severe hypothermia from exposure, which left him badly sick.

Fisk was identified through a hair he left on Jasper's blanket. After being arrested, he confessed and affirmed the detectives' suspicions of Ken's expansive reproductive abuse. When Ken was murdered, Fisk became a suspect when the type of weapon used in the killing, a WASP injection knife, was found in his home. It was then revealed that Dede owned a WASP knife of her own, and that it was stolen and used by the actual murderer, Audrey Shelton.

It is unknown if he was ever charged for endangering Jasper's health. (SVU: "Bang")
