Law and Order
Law and Order
"What Can Happen In The Dark"
SVU, Episode 22.15
Production number: 22015
First aired (US): 27 May 2021
First aired (UK): 10 September 2021
First aired (CAN): 26 May 2021
First aired (AUS): 3 June 2021
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Written By
Micharne Cloughley

Directed By
Jean de Segonzac


Garland asks Benson to investigate an unusual domestic violence case when his neighbor is found injured.




Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



Andy Richards: It doesn't matter, I know she loves me. She's not going to do it again.
Benson: I can't tell you how many times I've sat here and heard those exact words. And these situations, Andy, unfortunately, things don't get better.
Tutuola: I know you're worried about what people will think, but this isn't just about fighting for yourself.
Andy Richards: I don't want Charlie to know.
Benson: Kids know more than you think. Is this how you want the rest of your life to go? Waiting for her to hurt you again? To take your son away? Andy, that's where this is going.
Andy Richards: What do you want me to do? She said if this ever goes to trial, the jury is going to take one look at me, one look at her, nobody's ever going to believe me.
Benson: We believe you. And juries are smart. They figure things out.

Carisi: And did Andy cooperate with that investigation?
Benson: Not at first. Again, not unusual at all in DV cases. Victims often try to protect their abusers, especially when there are children and custody issues at risk.

Carisi: The psychology of intimate partner violence is complex. It's not just physical. It's emotional abuse. Instilling fear. Controlling the victim. And Andy lived with his wife's abuse for years, because like most abuse victims he thought he didn't have a choice.

Background Information and Notes[]

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3 4

Garland Residence
874 West 148th Street
Thursday, April 8

Richards Residence
876 West 148th Street
Thursday, April 8

Supreme Court
Part 49
Wednesday, May 19

Supreme Court
Part 49
Wednesday, May 19

Previous episode:
"Post-Graduate Psychopath"
"What Can Happen In The Dark"
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 22
Next episode:
"Wolves In Sheep's Clothing"
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